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Former Surgeon General: Boost Oxygen should be available to everyone in our country

Boost Oxygen has teamed up with Chinook Medical Gear to provide portable 95% pure oxygen in their MyPak emergency medical aid kits. We had the honor to interview retired US Air Force Lt. General and former Surgeon General Paul K. Carlton, who is also on the Board of Advisors for Chinook.

General Paul K Carlton

Als ehemaliger Surgeon General weiß er die gesundheitlichen Vorteile von zusätzlichem Sauerstoff zur Unterstützung der Atmung sehr zu schätzen. Generalleutnant Carlton verwendet regelmäßig Boost Oxygen und unterstützt nachdrücklich die Aufnahme unseres Produkts in die Chinook-Notfallkits.

Related article: Boost Oxygen teams up with Chinook Medical

Watch the videos below which include comments from Lt. General Carlton about Boost Oxygen:


Lt. General Paul K Carlton