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We appreciate Amanda Alpert taking some time to share how and why the Boston Renegades discovered Boost (nice going Penny, #62!) and implemented it to support their quest for the 2019 championship of the Women’s Football Alliance (WFA); thank you Amanda and congratulations to you and all the Renegades!

“Thanks to having Boost, we were able to ‘catch our breath’. We didn’t have the luxury to be able to acclimate as well as we would have wanted to. Boston to Denver is a big change in altitude. Having Boost on our sideline was so great!”

Can you spot the bottle of Boost in the image above? (hint, look straight up from the word ‘Boost’)

“This was my 15th season. I continue to play because I love the game but also because I want to show my two children (4 & 1) you can do whatever you set your mind to. It’s a lot of hard work and I get a lot of support from my wife. Football is a “man’s game” but we are tying to break that mindset.  If people would just be more open to women’s sports in general, I think they would be entertained and enjoy it for what it is. Sport.”

“For us, we practice 2-3 times a week and this season we traveled to Tampa, Washington DC, Baltimore, New York…then to Denver for the championship game! A special shoutout of appreciation to Head Coach and Defensive Coordinator John Johnson and Assistant Head Coach and Offensive Coordinator Vernon Crawford and the entire coaching staff; thank you.”

The Renegades are supported by their sponsors: Lofts Boston, Vertex, Trillium Asset Management, iCapital, J. Pace and Son, J.H. Turiel & Associates

Follow the Boston Renegades on their social media, click here to go there: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

About the Women’s Football Alliance (from

The Women’s Football Alliance (WFA) was designed to create the largest and most competitive women’s tackle football league in the world.  Women’s tackle football teams and leagues have been in existence for over four decades, but the most promising growth in the sport – both in the number of teams and in the level of competition – has taken place over the last five years.

In 2009, the WFA opened its doors to female athletes across the nation, regardless of their financial status.  The WFA’s non-profit business model changed the sport by charging franchises 70 percent lower fees than other women’s leagues in operation.  Furthermore, 75 percent of the money raised by the WFA was invested right back into the member teams and their players.  The WFA also created unique rewards for member teams and players and teams by providing All-American jerseys, playoff travel money, championship rings, championship uniforms, and national broadcasting of the National Championship on major sporting networks such as ESPN3, Root Sports, and Comcast.

With over $20,000 in rewards, the WFA National Champions earn ten times their investment for playing in the league, an incentive that encourages and supports success on the field.Giving teams the ability to remain financially stable while simultaneously attracting younger athletes was the recipe for teams to become more competitive each year.

The WFA’s unique business plan allowed new teams to blossom in cities all across the nation, minimizing travel for all teams while maximizing the national exposure of women’s football.  The formula worked so well that within two years, the WFA had become the largest women’s tackle football league in the world and home to the most successful and longstanding franchises in women’s football history.

The Women’s Football Alliance continues to support the successful growth of women’s tackle football across the United States and around the world, with the ultimate goal of having a majority of our games broadcast on national television networks.

As a league, we are indebted to the multiple leagues that have helped women’s football grow to where we are today.  We came in with a plan to take the game to another level, and we believe the success of our teams shows on the field.  From 2011 until 2013, the number of WFA players on the U.S. National Team skyrocketed from zero percent to 96 percent.

We are proud of how far we have come in a short time and impressed with the level of football being played on the field, but we are even more excited about the promising future that exists for all our players and teams.  We have a product that is exciting to watch and marketable.  When players no longer have to pay to play football, we will have tackled our final barrier and accomplished our vision for the game.

Lisa King
WFA Commissioner



Follow the Women’s Football Alliance on their social media, click here to go there: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.


Approximately 60 one-second inhalations.

Ideal for "on the go" quick trips to the grocery store or lunch with friends.

3 liter


Approximately 100 one-secon inhalations.

Ideal for the gym, a daily hike, outdoor exercise or a day trip.

3 liter


Approximately 200 one-second inhalations.

Ideal for weekly home use, camping, vacations, long trips and extended travel.

3 liter