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Review: Testing Boost Oxygen at 8000 feet

Many people who enjoy Boost Oxygen share their experiences and testimonials about using our product on social media. Watch these recent review videos from Kevin Long, who tried Boost Oxygen while biking with friends at 8000 feet in Colorado!

From Kevin: “Some Colorado friends of mine invited me to go mountain biking at Rampart Reservoir, just outside of Denver. It was the perfect opportunity to test it out myself. After all, there’s a massive 8,000 foot elevation difference between Portland and Rampart. I hoped Boost would help me get the most out of our ride.”



*Disclaimer: 95% Pure Boost Oxygen is for recreational purposes only, ideal for athletes and sports enthusiasts, older adults, and people at high altitude or in poor air quality. No prescription is needed to purchase Boost Oxygen. As it is not medical-grade oxygen, not a drug, and not intended for the treatment of any medical condition or disease, it is neither regulated nor approved by the FDA and thus the Agency has not assessed any of the statements herein. Consult your physician if you have any medical conditions.