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Written and Submitted by: Santwon McCray

“Imagine, that you found out 35 days before a world championship that you had to be a part of a team, and, you weren’t anywhere near in shape enough to compete at the global level!”

“When I learned of this I immediately changed what I put into my body and looked for any means to improve and enhance my physical performance in order to be in peak condition by the time USASF Worlds had arrived! When I discovered Boost Oxygen, at first, I was a bit skeptical. But once I gave it a chance, instantly I was hooked and it became a part of my “necessities“ for practice!”

"Min kropp hade troligen aldrig kunnat pressa sig så långt som den gjorde om jag inte alltid hade haft min Boost-flaska med mig! Jag vill tacka Boost Oxygen för att ni hjälpte mig att uppnå ett mycket stort ögonblick i mitt liv!"

As I continue to pursue my career in action-comedy film & TV in Los Angeles, I will always keep Boost Oxygen with me on set so I can deliver maximum effort!”

Learn more about Santwon at and “try!” to keep up with him on social media; Instagram: @iamsantwon  Twitter: @IamSantwon  Facebook: @iamsantwon

Santwon discovered Boost Oxygen at a valued member of our retailer family, Big 5 Sporting Goods. You can find Boost at all 420 Big 5 locations throughout Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wyoming.