Интервью месяца атлетической подготовки: Джеффри Ламберт-Шемо
Athletic Training Month Interview: Jeffrey Lambert-Shemo March is Athletic Training Month and we are very proud to spotlight talented and passionate Certified Athletic Trainers who...
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Интервью в рамках месячника атлетической подготовки: Томас О'Брайен из Фордхэма
Athletic Training Month: Interview with Fordham Trainer Thomas O’Brien March is Athletic Training Month and we are very proud to spotlight talented and passionate Certified...
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Интервью месяца атлетической подготовки: Эрик Ру в Университете Теннесси Чаттануга
Athletic Training Month Interview: Eric Roux at Univ of Tennessee Chattanooga March is Athletic Training Month and we are very proud to spotlight talented and...
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Джастин Шолл из команды Lehigh Valley Spartans принимает участие в самом трудном американском состязании America's Toughest Mudder
P Prior to reading the full recap of the experience below, Justin also shared: “Boost Oxygen is always part of my race training, I had a...
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В теннис часто играют в "жестоких условиях", поддержите свою игру с помощью Boost Oxygen
Here at the start of the 2018 U.S. Open, the constant talk from the commentators has been about the “brutal conditions” for the players. What they...
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Соревнования по теннису среди юниоров и Boost Oxygen
“Hi, my name is Gabriel Eusebio and I am a 13 year old competitive tennis player from Los Angeles, California. I am a USTA NetGeneration Ambassador that helps...
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Ветеран Майк Гарсия - на горе и в глуши
“Hello my name is Mike Garcia and I am from Firestone, Colorado. I’m a 90% disabled vet with nerve damage to my right arm and PTSD. Recently I went...
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Не позволяйте "высоте" разрушить ваши впечатления от Скалистых гор - Christy Sports' Ridge Report
Christy Sports has been a long-time and valued member of our retailer family – they have had Boost Oxygen in all their locations since back in...
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Увлечение ветерана Фрэнка Парадайза приключениями на природе и фотографией помогает его сослуживцам
“I am Frank P. Paradise III. I was injured while serving in the US Army overseas in 2010. I broke my 4 lower vertebrae (L3-S1) leaving me...
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