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Shared by Michelle Prader-Gates


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@npcalabama SO PROUD @chasethebeastgates GROWTH & GAINS & DEDICATION thank you @huge285 expert coaching thank you #davepalumbo already planning #offseaon moving up a class and bringing home the hardware #trophy #npcnewsonline #npcalabama #lightweight #bodybuildinglifestyle #bodybuilding_motivation #downsyndrome #gymgator #fitfam #theoriginaldownsyndromebodybuilder #homiewithanextrachromie #downscantstopme #bodybuilding #boostoxygen #fitness #fitfamily #gains #proudmom #gatorfitness247 @gatorfitness247 @gatorfit247 @changingthefaceofbeauty @suleose #bodybuildinglifestyle #bodybuilding_motivation #bodybuildinglife #downsmagazine #changingthefaceofbeauty @madelinesmodelling_

A post shared by Michelle Prater-Gates (@shellpratergates) on

My family heritage is largely Mediterranean/Italian/Sicilian so the idea of the “Mediterranean Diet” is how I grew up. Luckily, along with this, my parents were pro-active with always trying new things and doing things naturally; or more naturally – whether it be with foods or with supplements. It is because of this willingness to try, that I recently discovered Boost Oxygen.

Academy Sports + Outdoors has Boost Oxygen at all locations!

I have been physically active in something extra since I was 3 years old, I met my husband in my 20’s as I was working in a muscle head gym. Gator (beautifully aged to a ripe 54) is a bodybuilder on the cusp of getting his Pro card and Pro status @gatorfit247 @gatorfitness247 with NPC/IFBB Bodybuilding.  My children are all three in physical exercise activities. My oldest son Chase is 24 @chasethebeastgates has a disability (Mosaic Downs Syndrome) and he is a competitive bodybuilder – he is also nationally ranked and competes in the NPC/IFBB Bodybuilding circuit.  Chase competes with ‘regular’ people and there are no adaptations for him having a ‘disability”‘. My middle son Bucko 20 @buckogates played hockey until his senior year of high school and now lifts weights on a very regular basis! My youngest child, my 9-year-old daughter Channing is in to ballet, gymnastics and horseback riding.  I ride horses, exercise, weight training and cardio @shellpratergates (not 54) ;0) .


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A post shared by Michelle Prater-Gates (@shellpratergates) on

Needless to say we are very familiar with physical activity, diet, and exhaustion! My mother had been trying a liquid oxygen supplement and as I researched it and read about the role of oxygen and the working muscle, I came across Boost Oxygen.  I ordered several cans from Amazon and was excited to try them when they came in.  I was exercising on the elliptical machine at a high level good strong resistance and had my new Boost Oxygen can with me.  As I stressed my legs I would take a puff and I immediately felt a release in the tightness of my quads and I was able to continue with greater energy. As I got winded, there was the same affect; I was able to sustain my endurance and energy…therefore I completed a better workout. I was sold! But then one night i was exercising away on the elliptical and got a stitch in my side, a cramp. Again, I understand Oxygen / ATP-energy. I breathed my peppermint Boost Oxygen two times and the stitch was gone! After that i was 100% sold!!! Not only on the need for oxygen and how Boost Oxygen fulfills / ‘fixes’ that need but all of the possibilities that Boost has to offer because of today’s sedentary lifestyle – which I think promotes shallow breathing, less oxygen, and a downward spiral people do not even realize it.  Now in my home, I keep the Boost Oxygen everywhere.  My family has used it for anything and everything from exercise at its’ most intense to having an illness and/or being hungry.  The oxygen has so many benefits it is hard for me to name them all in my story – but for me, my family, friends and extended family, I have shared Boost because I believe in it, based on the direct benefits I have personally experienced and seen with my husband and children!!!

Due to my oldest son’s Mosaic Down Syndrome and his success as a competitive Bodybuilder, he has been asked repeatedly to be a guest performer at bodybuilding shows.  We have our own award that we give to a competitor that has overcome the most difficult obstacle: whether it be emotional or physical, we award the “focus” – we call it the FOCUS award.  Chase’s first trainer, Don Grubbs, used to tell Chase to ‘focus’ and for it to be an acronym:






The FOCUS award always has Boost Oxygen in it!!

I am happy to share and continue to share Boost Oxygen with everyone. In the time I have been using Boost, to now, we have opened our own Gym. I plan, with our second location opening soon, to inform everyone of Boost!!! Hit our website, here: Gator Fitness

Thank you for asking me to share my story!

A Happy Customer,

Michelle Prater-Gates @shellpratergates

Gator Fitness Open 24/7 @gatorfitness247

Gator Gates @gatorfit247

Chase Gates @chasethebeastgates

Bucko Gates @buckogates



Approximately 60 one-second inhalations.

Ideal for "on the go" quick trips to the grocery store or lunch with friends.

3 liter


Approximately 100 one-secon inhalations.

Ideal for the gym, a daily hike, outdoor exercise or a day trip.

3 liter


Approximately 200 one-second inhalations.

Ideal for weekly home use, camping, vacations, long trips and extended travel.

3 liter