Boost Oxygen is trusted and utilized by many different people, from many different lifestyles, in many different places around the world! Read some of our customer reviews, testimonials and experiences about our Boost Oxygen canisters! If you’ve used Boost Oxygen and enjoyed it, we encourage you to submit a review on our product on Google, Amazon and Facebook.
Customer Testimonials
“Ever since I invested in Boost Oxygen I haven’t left the house without my personal supply of 95% oxygen!”
"Mr. Wonderful" Kevin O'Leary
"Tengo due bottiglie nel mio zaino di pronto soccorso. Sono un membro del Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) della Napa Valley. Ho visto Boost per la prima volta quando un uomo anziano l'ha usato per la mancanza di fiato dopo un'escursione; ha funzionato rapidamente".
Tony V, Facebook
“I have Boost to support my Spartan performances! You can’t be number one in your age group and complete as many races as I do per year without implementing the best products for performance and recovery.”
Paul Lachance, Colorado
“Boost Oxygen has been a game-changer for me and allowed me to stay active and overcome challenges to enjoy what I love to do. I have always been an active, athletic person who has played numerous sports and still enjoy many different types of outdoor activities.”
Molly Johnson, Nebraska
"Boost Oxygen è un aiuto enorme per superare allenamenti duri come chiodi. Boost mi ha aiutato a raggiungere il mio vero potenziale, mentre continuo a raggiungere vette più alte nel settore del fitness".
Mike Lee, Denver, CO
“When you’re from 900 feet of elevation and visit 10,000 feet of elevation you will find yourself needing some Boost after the simple task of bending to tie your shoes!”
Cory Brakefield, Facebook