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Why Supplemental Oxygen Is Important For First Aid Kits

During a health emergency, it’s common to see first responders and EMTs administering medical-grade oxygen to patients. Oxygen is essential for life. Did you know that oxygen can be administered to ANYONE because no one is allergic to oxygen? Your body uses oxygen to create energy, for brain health, to keep tissues and organs functioning properly, for metabolization and more. So adding supplemental oxygen to any home or workplace emergency kit only makes sense.

First Aid Kit

Did you know that according to the CDC, nearly half of U.S. households do not have the proper resources or plans in place in case of a home emergency?

The majority of medical emergencies take place at home, and while you certainly can’t plan for EVERY type of emergency, you can have a reliable emergency kit to help you or a loved one during the important minutes before first responders arrive.

First Aid Kit

In any home emergency kit, it’s important to have band-aids, gauze pads, gloves, alcohol pads, aspirin, burn gel, antibiotic ointment, tape, tweezers and scissors. Thanks to Boost Oxygen 95% Pure Oxygen canisters, portable supplemental oxygen can now be added to any home or workplace emergency kit.

Chinook Medical Gear


"He dedicado toda mi carrera clínica a preservar la vida y a mantener a la gente con vida en situaciones difíciles" dijo el Teniente General Paul K. Carlton, ex Cirujano General de las Fuerzas Aéreas de los Estados Unidos, recientemente retirado Director de la Oficina de Innovaciones y Preparación de Texas A&M y actualmente en la Junta de Asesores de Chinook Medical. "Con Boost Oxygen en el MyPak para adultos y niños de Chinook, el oxígeno suplementario portátil está ahora disponible en cualquier situación de emergencia. Además, Boost Oxygen debería estar en todos los botiquines de primeros auxilios y puestos de reanimación de nuestro país."