Christy má vášeň pro vlastenectví, služební terapeutické psy, hokej a podporu veteránů; nyní i dětská kniha!
Inspiration comes in many forms. For author Eileen Doyon, it most recently came from seeing the story of Christy Gardner. Christy is a wounded veteran who...
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Regina je 24letá profesionální hráčka pikleballu a její cesta nebyla jednoduchá
“My name is Regina Franco, I’m a professional pickleball player and I was formerly a professional racquetball player. I was born and raised in Mexico. Ever since I can remember, sports...
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CJ se věnuje kulturistice
“My name is CJ DeMarco. My fitness journey started when I was 14. I always loved to work out and play sports. I grew up...
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Justin Scholl a Bostonský maraton
Written and submitted by Justin Scholl – Boston Marathon Finisher
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EPHMEN zůstávají ve spojení díky lakrosu a ctí Renzieho
Submitted by F. Gordon ‘Gordo’ Pollock, Jr, a proud member of the EPHMEN: “Lacrosse is a physical and strenuous activity that one would think might...
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Bostonští odpadlíci jsou šampióni!
We appreciate Amanda Alpert taking some time to share how and why the Boston Renegades discovered Boost (nice going Penny, #62!) and implemented it to...
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Když chcete něco změnit, zavolejte Shakeymu
He’s incredibly unique…we dare to say, there isn’t another one like him. He makes you smile, laugh and leaves an indelible impression – along with...
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Mike Lee si vybral fit život
Michael Lee has one of the most incredible transformation stories in the fitness industry; we are very proud to share it, and to be a...
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Nathan běží o život
When I first came up with the idea, I couldn’t decide if it was a strike of genius or insanity. Traveling around the United States...
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Boost Oxygen Appears in the Wall Street Journal, Newsweek and Forbes
Boost Oxygen Appears in the Wall Street Journal, Newsweek and Forbes Milford, CT: Boost Oxygen has been featured recently in some very notable and recognizable...
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