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 Mammoth’s opening weekend

Shared by Jenny Kotlyar / Campsite Vibes

“I live at sea level and my first snowboarding trip of 2018 was during Mammoth’s opening weekend. I went up with a friend and we went shopping around town that Saturday evening. While my friend browsed, I sat there feeling very off with my head getting heavier and feeling variations of overheating and being too cold. One of the shop employees handed me a Boost Oxygen can for me to try. I took two puffs (inhale and hold it in for a couple seconds) and within a few minutes, I felt like myself again (no joke).

V neděli jsme si pořídili pár plechovek na vlek a cestou domů jsme se znovu zastavili v obchodě, abychom si doplnili zásoby. Tohle nám změnilo pravidla hry!

 Mammoth’s opening weekend

Instagram: @tealcheerjk

In the last year, I’ve been more sensitive to altitude as my body takes the time to acclimate. Boost Oxygen helps your body as you’re acclimating, almost like a supplement that helps the acclimation process. But if you are feeling severe Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) or High-Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE), you need to descend to lower elevations quickly. That is the only cure for AMS and HAPE.

In the winters I snowboard (mainly at Mammoth) and in the summers I hike at high altitude all over the Sierra Nevada’s and I’ve been keeping a stock of these cans at home so I can grab and go when I hit the mountain. These cans weigh almost nothing, so to all the backpackers out there worried about your pack-weight, these won’t make it any heavier.

Ať už jsme ve výšce 7 000 stop, 11 000 stop nebo výš, všichni ve skupině si nakonec předávají kyslíkovou láhev a střídají se v dýchání.



Jmenuji se Jenny a píši blog s názvem Campsite Vibes. Moje první zkušenost s kempováním a vysokou nadmořskou výškou byla v roce 2014 a byl to docela průšvih, ale zamilovala jsem si hory a od té doby se učím a rozšiřuji své znalosti o tom, co je potřeba udělat, abych se opravdu dostala ven.

Chci se s vámi podělit o tipy a triky, které jsem se naučil při svých dobrodružstvích v přírodě. Od toho, kam se vydat, jak plánovat výlety, jak trénovat na delší túry, přes zákoutí vybavení až po to, jak překonat to, co vás brzdí, a prostě vyrazit ven.

 Mammoth’s opening weekend

Boost Oxygen is the #1 trusted brand worldwide and chosen by professional and everyday athletes. Follow us on Facebook (BoostOxygenUSA), Instagram (@boostoxygen) and Twitter (@BoostO2).

 Mammoth’s opening weekend

*Disclaimer: 95% Pure Boost Oxygen is for recreational purposes only, ideal for athletes and sports enthusiasts, older adults, and people at high altitude or in poor air quality. No prescription is needed to purchase Boost Oxygen. As it is not medical-grade oxygen, not a drug, and not intended for the treatment of any medical condition or disease, it is neither regulated nor approved by the FDA and thus the Agency has not assessed any of the statements herein. Consult your physician if you have any medical conditions.