A Mom’s Story: Sickle Cell Trait and Her Youth Athlete Son
As much as we receive empowering and motivating feedback everyday, this situation stands out as being unique and inspiring as it deals with a parent’s love and hope for a child. We reached out to Kimberly after seeing her initial Instagram post (see below) about discovering Boost Oxygen for her son, she was more than pleased and excited to share her story. Thank you Kimberly!
“I discovered Boost Oxygen because I was looking up ways to help with the sickle cell trait and side effects for athletes. After one of my son’s football games, I was complaining to my sister about the way my son acts after he gets a good run or scores a touchdown. I told her about his legs cramping and how he couldn’t catch his breath, so she started researching sickle cell trait. She then sent me a video made by FSU about what happens to athletes with the trait, turns out this is what was happening to my son.
So I thought, “Where will I get oxygen?”
I knew I couldn’t get an oxygen tank on the field or from a hospital, but I was sad because I felt ‘why is this happening to my son with no way to help him’, so I Googled: mobile oxygen, oxygen on the go, oxygen for athletes. I felt helpless with no way to help my son, so I went to Academy Sports + Outdoors because I knew he couldn’t be the only one with this problem. And right in the football section of Academy Sports was Boost Oxygen!!!”
Boost Oxygen is available at ALL locations of Academy Sports + Outdoors
“My son has used this for four football games now and it’s AMAZING!!! He doesn’t get tired, he doesn’t cramp up, his coaches and teammates all notice the difference! He always makes sure he has his Boost on the sideline because he can tell the difference! No one told us the side effects of the sickle cell trait, but we see them now because he is constantly playing both basketball and football and he is very competitive; this Boost has truly changed his game for the better!”
Trenton loves hats and was very excited to receive this one!
“As a Mom that felt helpless for three weeks at football games not knowing what to do to help my son or what to do if an emergency would happen, I am blown away and very APPRECIATIVE of the Boost! I now feel good knowing my son will be okay on the field!”
“There were two basketball games in the Spring when my son’s leg cramped on him and people said he needed to drink more water or eat bananas, but it was because of the sickle cell trait, so he needed more oxygen! I felt helpless because no one could give us answers, everyone said it’s the sickle cell trait; he doesn’t have the disease, so the side effects are minor, but the same cramp he felt happened during this football season and in the same video we saw explaining the traits!”
Click the image to learn more about how the Sickle Cell Trait affects Athletes. Video Credit: Florida State University
I know I rambled on, but this made so much of a difference to my son’s performance and my mind frame at games I wish I could shout from the rooftop how amazing this product is, THANK YOU!”
Kimberly Green
Jacksonville, Florida
Instagram: @timitayou